Free Certified Senior Caregiver T-shirt


Professional Caregiver membership to the PAC comes with a T-shirt that comes in everyone’s style. Show off your t-shirt when your at home, relaxing, or even at work!

Don’t forget to take a picture of yourself in the t-shirt and post it to social media. Make sure to tag us for recognition for all your hard work.

Don’t have a t-shirt yet? Become a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers and receive one today!

Caregiver’s Stress Relief Photo of The Week

This week’s stress relief photo was taken at Grant Park in Chicago, IL. Enjoy the perfect view that autumn has to give. We invite you to take a moment to enjoy the photo and the inspirational quote and feel free to share them with loved ones.


You can read more about this week’s stress relief photo at Caregiverlist Blogs. 

Senior Caregivers Remember to Keep Calm and Spread Kindness


Seniors Caregivers should take care of themselves and others by staying calm and spreading kindness through out the world.

How to Become Certified Senior Caregiver
