Find Caregiver Training Near Me for Senior Caregivers

How do you find caregiver training nearby? This is a very common question we are asked along with:  What are the caregiver training requirements for my state?

California Training

California Certification for Senior Care

Senior caregiver skills are necessary in order to deliver safe, quality care to seniors in their homes (and anywhere). But senior home care as a professionally managed service is a newer industry, if you will, that has only been around for less than 20 years. Why? Because as transportation and communication has become more advanced, more than 60% of American adults live more than 1 hour away from their parents. Back in the horse and buggy days we all lived near our parents and grandparents. Also, women have joined the workforce so usually are not available to stay home to assist with senior care.

The American Home Care Association created one of the first templates for caregiver training requirements to be presented for legislation to be passed into law as a national caregiver training requirement. As it became apparent a federal law would not be passed, the licensed senior home care agencies have advocated for state laws to be passed into legislation to help regulate senior home care in order to protect both the caregiver and the seniors. This has happened with more than half of the states in the U.S.A. requiring training and the rest of the states requiring at least some licensing and training guidelines.

Even family caregivers can deliver better care by learning caregiving skills for safe transfers, infection control and communication skills.

Find the caregiver training requirements in your state on Caregiverlist, the industry’s only training resource created by senior care professionals and designed for caregivers without a medical background. The 8-hour training course contains all the caregiver training elements that are included in mandated training which then may expand on more of the age-related illnesses.

These online caregiver training courses will now allow caregivers to meet state guidelines. The state of Washington and New Jersey both require some clinical training hours to be included.

The Professional Association of Caregiver’s membership includes this basic training  (Year-1 Caregiver Training) to match your state’s requirements plus a t-shirt and lapel pin to show validation of your accomplishment for passing the exam to confirm your knowledge retention of each of the skills taught. You may also submit a caregiver job application to be considered for part-time and full-time caregiving positions in your area as there is a constant demand for more senior caregivers to care for America’s aging population.


Caregiver Stress Relief Photo of the Week for Senior Caregivers


Caregiver stress comes with the territory of caregiving. Caregivers must remember to take care of themselves so that they can deliver quality care. Take a moment to relax with Caregiverlist’s Stress Relief Photo of the week.

caregiver stress relief photo

Caregiver Stress Relief Photo by Barbara Wehr Calabrese



California Caregiver Training Course Outline for State Certification

California caregiver training for senior caregivers working as professionals became a requirement in the Assembly Bill 1217 Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act. This requires California caregivers who work for senior care companies or who work independently to receive 10 hours of training their first year as a caregiver followed by 5 hours of training each following year (annually). Private-duty caregivers are also called home health aides or home care aides in California.

California Training

California Certification for Senior Care

This California caregiver training legislation outlines the training skills required for initial training and annual caregiver training courses. Caregivers must show that they have received training each year in the state of California now.

Here is what caregivers should know about the state training mandate and how to become certified.

California Caregiver Training Requirements:

  • California Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act was approved and signed by Governor October 13, 2013
  • Enforcement began on January 1, 2015
  • Established Home Care Aide Registry maintained by the state Social Services department
  • Home Care Aides are individuals who assist with “home care services” which means non-medical care services and assistance for those who because of advanced age or physical or mental disability cannot perform these duties on their own.
  • Home Care Aide job services include, but are not limited to: assisting with:
    • bathing
    • dressing
    • feeding
    • exercising
    • personal hygiene and grooming
    • transferring
    • ambulating
    • positioning
    • toileting and incontinence care
    • assisting with medication management that the client self-administers
    • housekeeping
    • meal planning and preparation
    • laundry
    • transportation
    • correspondence for household duties and scheduling
    • making telephone calls
    • shopping for personal care items or groceries
    • companionship
  • Registered home care aides are aides working for care companies or independently
  • Independent home care aide means any individual age 18 or older who is providing care services through a direct agreement with a client.

Courses for the caregiver training package for California residents must include this Class Curriculum:

  • 2 hours of Orientation training regarding caregivers role as a caregiver and the applicable terms of employment such as job duties and care plan activities
  • 3 hours of Safety skills training including basic safety precautions, emergency procedures and infection control
  • 5 hours of Core Competency skills training for client specific needs and may include client’s privacy rights, activities of daily living, understanding how to identify and report elder abuse and neglect, how to provide for proper personal hygiene care and other home services, age-related illness care and how to safely transport a client

Caregiver Training University provides custom caregiver training meeting the state of California training guidelines for professional caregivers. Remember, caregivers are mandated to take 5-hours of training each subsequent year after their initial training of 10 hours in year 1.

The Professional Association of Caregivers membership includes online caregiver training for California caregivers along with a t-shirt and lapel pin. Caregivers can then continue to build on their skills with renewal training each year.

Buy California Caregiver Training (you will receive the training for your state and confirm it when you log-in to your course which you will maintain access to and receive a certificate upon completion).



Caregiver Training for Senior Caregiver Staff

Caregiver training requirements vary by state in the U.S.A. because no federal law has been passed to regulate caregiver training, unlike Certified Nursing Aide, or C.N.A. training which is mandated by federal law. C.N.A.’s must a minimum of 75 hours of training with the addition of “in-service” hours training in each state.  In-service training allows the  C.N.A. to learn from another working C.N.A. in the field to experience the real-life care situations. States may require more than 75 hours of training for a C.N.A. to be certified and you can view state C.N.A. training requirements to find out the hours needed in your state. Caregiverlist provides a directory of C.N.A. schools and caregiver training for senior care companies and their caregivers to stay in compliance in their state.

Caregiver training mandates for senior caregivers are regulated by state law, following the course outline created by the industry’s national association. Usually 8 to 10 hours of training are the estimate created by state legislatures to complete training for the basic caregiving skills needed to work as a professional caregiver in the home. Review caregiver training modules and purchase professional caregiver training for certification that can be obtained online.

What are the basic caregiver training requirements suggested by the industry?

  • Job Responsibilities and Protocol
  • Communication Skills
  • Infection Control
  • Maintaining a Clean, Safe and Healthy Environment
  • Safe Transfering
  • Personal Care and Toileting
  • HIPAA or Privacy and Confidentiality of Information
  • Elder Abuse Identification and Reporting Requirements
  • Environmental Safety
  • Emergency Safety and Game Plan

Caregiver training requirements in each state will then build upon these beginning caregiving skills.

Caregiverlist Caregiver Training delivers the only training created by senior home care industry professionals to address the unique aspects of care provided in a senior’s home. Long-term care insurance policies, for example, require the caregiver to have caregiver training for caring for a senior in the home in order to be trained on how to maintain care plan notes and reporting of variations in behavior. View STAFF TRAINING for the industry.

Care Plan recording and tools for caring for seniors with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, Parkinson’s disease and other age-related illnesses are part of the Caregiverlist caregiver training.

Become a professional senior caregiver and receive a certificate for your state to be able to deliver high-quality and professional senior care. Many states now mandate annual training, such as the new California caregiver education requirement for 5 hours of training annually.

Caregiver training certification

Caregiver Certification Pin

Caregiver training provided by education platforms built for nurses or doctors do not customize their courses for senior caregivers working with seniors in their homes. The Caregiverlist caregiver training maintains compliance with state senior care licensing training requirements and allows caregivers to maintain access to their training ongoing.

Buy Online Caregiver Training

Request Tour of Caregiver Training Portal to Train your CAREGIVER EMPLOYEES


Caregiver Education Requirements in My State of Residence

Caregivers looking to find the education requirements in their state of residence for becoming a professional caregiver must first understand their state health departments mandates for licensing and training.

Senior caregiving in the home delivers professional care services but also risks. For this reason, states have begun passing legislation to regulate the industry and require minimum standards for senior care companies through licensing and training of their caregiving staff. Online caregiver training can be obtained for most states now.

Caregiver education components include basic caregiving skills and then some states build upon these skills. The state of Washington, for instance, provides for Medicaid caregiving services in the home paid for by state tax dollars (only very low-income seniors with few assets qualify for this benefit). The SEIU (service employee union) decided it would be really cool if they received payment from the state for the hours that they spend training caregivers and received approval through legislation to require 75 hours of training for professional caregivers. Most seniors cannot afford to pay for 75 hours of training at an hourly pay rate of 20 dollars per hour (with payroll taxes). Because of this, senior care companies in Washington state usually hire Certified Nursing Aides who already have training or caregivers who received training paid for by Medicaid.

New Jersey caregivers also must have more than 70 hours of training to be a certified home health aide.

Caregiver education requirements in most states will be from 8 to 12 hours for the first year, followed by renewal training annually (every year you are working as a caregiver).

caregiver training

Certified Caregiver Training

Online caregiver training has been approved for educating caregivers on the basic skills and can be obtained through the industry’s only digital training created by senior home care industry professionals at

Certified Nursing Aide Training Programs for Caregivers

Certified Nursing Aide training was created as a federal law to require a consistent level of training for nursing assistants working in nursing homes, hospitals and care facilities. The federal law mandates a minimum of 75 hours of training in a classroom setting approved by the state’s health department and includes clinical hours of training.

Clinical training means the student will shadow someone who already has their Certified Nursing Aide license. Certified Nursing Aides are also called Certified Nursing Assistants and C.N.A.’s and Ohio refers to their C.N.A.’s as S.T.N.A. which means State Tested Nursing Aide.

Explore the costs and admission requirements for C.N.A. training in your state. While the minimum is 75 hours, many states require 85 to 120 hours of training which can be completed in a part-time or full-time course. Most programs can be completed in 1 to 3 months. Financial aide and grants and tuition reimbursement are also available as more C.N.A.’s are needed.

Senior caregivers can take online caregiver training to be certified for the basic training skills outlined by the industry and then when ready, take a C.N.A. course.

Review C.N.A. courses in your state and request C.N.A. school admission information to begin your research to become a C.N.A. You may also take a sample C.N.A. Practice test to review the information you will be taught. You may also apply for a caregiving job to be considered for part-time and full-time professional caregiver positions as senior care companies are constantly hiring to meet the demand for senior care.

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Memory Care Training for Senior Caregivers

Caregivers for seniors with memory loss understand the many challenges of assisting a senior when their cognitive abilities are changing. Memory loss caregiver training teaches tools to implement to make the caregiver journey smoother for both the caregiver and the senior.

Memory loss senior care training involves understanding the varying ways memory loss impacts someone and learning about the different types of memory loss.

Alzheimer’s disease impacts the largest number of seniors and causes confusion about person, place and time.

Vascular dementia memory loss is the second most common type. Some diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, also may result in memory loss.

No cures exists right now for memory loss, but some medications may slow the progression.

Music may be one of the very best therapies for caregiving.  And other simple-to-implement tools have been created as researchers continue to study what works, such as serving meals on a solid blue plate rather than a china plate with patterns that may add to confusion. View the meal plates to see the difference this makes.


Senior care companies and individual caregivers may obtain digital caregiver training meeting state guidelines with a very easy-to-use training platform that is smart phone and tablet friendly at Caregiver Training University and apply for jobs at Caregiverlist.

How to Become a Certified Caregiver in California

California caregiver certification now requires specific training each year, as outlined by a new law that went into effect in 2016, called the California Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act.

To Become a Certified Caregiver in California you must:

  • Pass a Background Check
  • Secure Caregiver Training Annually
  • 2-hour Orientation Training, 3-hour Safety Training and 5-hour Core Competency Training in Year 1

California trained caregivers will receive 10-hours of training their first year followed by an additional 5 hours of training annually to review core competencies and expand upon their age-related senior care learning.

Ready to begin your California Caregiving Career? Get California Online Training

Education for caregivers delivers higher quality care and safer care for both the caregiver and the senior.

Learn more about California’s caregiver course requirements and take online caregiver training to become certified with the leading digital platform in the senior care industry at Caregiver Training University. Remember that more caregivers are needed to meet the growing demand for senior care and you may also submit your job application to join the “Caregiverlist” and be considered for senior care jobs in your area.

Senior care companies train their staff with this leading industry training and you may also purchase it on your own.

Learn more at Caregiverlist.



How to become a certified caregiver in California

California passed legislation in Assembly Bill 1217 which you may review the California legislature’s caregiver training mandate which requires:

  • 10 hours of training for Safety, Orientation and Core Competencies in 1st year
  • 5 hours of Core Competency training annually

Caregiver Training University, created by senior home care industry professionals and educators, provides customized training matching the requirements to enable caregivers to easily become certified through an online caregiver training course.

Caregivers may purchase the online senior care training for $59 or become a member of the professional association of caregivers to receive a t-shirt and lapel pin.

Caregivers may:

  • Log-in at any time
  • Maintain access to their training ongoing
  • Pass a 36-question exam to confirm retention of information

California caregiver certification may be transferred to any senior home care agency and renewal training also may be received by just adding a renewal course for your account at Caregiver Training University. As caregiver jobs are plentiful as more and more seniors prefer to age-in-place at home, submit your job application at Caregiverlist.

samantha t-shirt

Stroke Care Caregiver Training

Strokes are the leading cause of long-term disability in the USA with high blood pressure being one of the risk factors.

Senior caregiver training for stroke care assists caregivers to be prepared for assisting seniors who have suffered from a stroke. As a stroke will happen suddenly and activities for rehabilitation in the first 6-months being key to successful recovery, caregivers can increase their skills by being prepared as a trained caregiver for assisting seniors with stroke recovery. Take an online caregiver training course for stroke care on your own or through a senior caregiver staff training course that will also meet your state’s training requirements for certification for caregiving.

Stroke Caregiver Training

Stroke Caregiver Training courses are available at Caregiver Training University and you may apply for a job with a licensed senior care company at