The Professional Association of Caregivers members receive Caregiver Training University courses, the industry’s very best training and we thought we would go the extra mile to tell you the facts on why.
The first is In the Know locks you into contracts – ouch! We wanted to work with a company that knew we would stay with them because they offered a great product, not because we were locked into a monthly contract.
Caregiver training for senior care has become a requirement in many states, although most professional senior home care agencies have always trained their staff on caregiving skills. Why does the Professional Association of Caregivers provide training from Caregiver Training University? Because they offered the first and only caregiver training created in-the-cloud and with courses that includes activities and tools to use for caregiving in-the-home setting, along with an indepth exam to confirm retention of information to reward the caregiver (they are the only training on the market offering 3 different sets of questions for caregivers to re-take the exam 3 times and created this concept, along with several other cool unique tools just for senior caregivers). They aren’t off-the-shelf training written for doctors, nurses and C.N.A.’s, but instead training created just for caregivers. This is why we only use Caregiver Training University classes for senior caregivers.
Let’s show you why you are enjoying the industry’s best training by answering some questions about other training out there.

Caregiver Training University, most importantly, delivers a very enjoyable experience to the caregivers as an in-the-cloud training that doesn’t require an App and can be used on any device. This is the #1 reason – far superior user experience – in addition to having better content and pricing.
In-the-Know training was created as Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) for Certified Nursing Aids and created originally as ink-on-paper courses. They later decided to come into the caregiver training market but did not have a background in creating digital content and did not have their own learning management system. A few more reasons why their training is not preferred are listed below, to help you know you are receiving the best training from Caregiver Training University as a P.A.C. member.

In the Know Caregiver Training Features vs. Caregiver Training University
- Pagespeed below 7 (on a scale of 1 to 100, this is their PageSpeed rank by Google): this means it is a slow-moving website that is also difficult to use, think of driving 7 miles per hour vs. 90 miles per hour, which delivers a frustrating user experience.
- Requires an “App” if want to take training on your smartphone which is just an added hassle and headache.
- Uses a Learning Management Platform from another Company that cannot be updated in real-time (they will actually say “come back later” on their log-in page sometimes).
- Lack of Interactive Content: ink-on-paper content shoveled online, instead of interactive content written for the digital experience.
- Contracts: Ouch! In-the-Know locks companies into contracts and requires senior care companies to pay for monthly training courses, even if they don’t use any courses to train caregivers that month, so we didn’t want to be locked into a contract.
- Training not customized to match state laws – you have to go shopping for different topics and hope you get it right.
- Tough to reach on the phone.
- Equity-ownership: private equity investors, as you know (get it) are in-it-for-the-profits. They invest in companies to flip them. They don’t have a background in learning management systems or in creating new tools for caregivers. This means they also have debt and the company will be flipped which means lots of changes, including changes in pricing.
- Not a diversity supplier – Caregiver Training University has met the rigorous standards to be a Certified Diversity Supplier and is the only caregiver training company on the market that has achieved this designation (Relias is part of a German-owned conglomerate, Bertelsmann, Care Academy is majority-owned by Venture Capitalists and thus cannot meet the diversity supplier requirements (and also are a company of debt).
- The name In the Know presents challenges for caregiver training: caregivers can say they received training from Caregiver Training University, (we couldn’t imagine saying “I got my training from “In the Know” – what? You know what? Just kidding but it presents branding challenges which means there will be other challenges if they aren’t interested in going the extra mile to have a name that resonates for caregivers. Where else do they cut corners? We couldn’t imagine asking a caregiver to try to explain to an 80-year-old senior that they secured their training at “In the Know”. We can only imagine how confusing that would be. We strive to deliver an experience that assists caregivers to be part of a professional career, with training that has a professional name.
Those are the main reasons why we don’t recommend their training for senior care. We’ve also heard they make it difficult for companies to get out of their contracts, even when they are no longer going to use their training. And we also prefer working with a certified diversity supplier.
Companies that deliver a great product typically don’t have to lock customers into contracts they can’t get out of because the customers will want to stay with the company because the product is great.
All companies who review caregiver training have found Caregiver Training University to be the most innovative and cost-effective caregiver training on the market and that it goes the extra mile to promote caregivers. They were the first company on the market to offer an in-depth exam to reward caregivers and we really enjoy knowing that we are working with a company that showcases caregiver’s achievements and provides the most modern digital experience available.
And, team Caregiver Training University’s employees all have a back ground in senior care, operating a home care agency and working as caregivers.
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