How do you become a Certified Caregiver in Illinois?

Certified caregiver training in the state of Illinois was mandated by state law in 2008. Then shortly after this, an additional mandate for Alzheimer’s disease caregiver training was added. Illinois caregivers are required to annually renew training for both basic caregiving skills and dementia caregiving skills.

How do you become a professional caregiver in Illinois?

  • 8-Hour Caregiver Certification course with the basic skills for caregiving, including Elder Abuse Identification and Reporting and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) topics.
  • 6-Hour Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia training for any caregiver who will be working with seniors with memory loss. This includes learning about the different types of memory loss illnesses, as Alzheimer’s disease is just one type of dementia. As Alzheimer’s disease progresses over time, and includes forgetting person, place and time, it brings additional safety risks. The Alzheimer’s Association lobbied the state of Illinois to mandate this training which became a requirement in 2014.

Illinois reports more than 210,000 seniors suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease and projects this will grow to more than 240,000 in 2025.

Caregiver Certification
Certified Caregiver Training

Illinois Public Health Statue 410 ILCS 405 Alzheimer’s Disease Assistance Act mandates both caregiver and supervisor training for licensed senior home care agencies in the state who provide care for any seniors with dementia.

Review all Illinois Caregiver Training requirements on Caregiverlist, and purchase caregiver training for yourself or your staff.

Certified caregiver training may be taken through an online course and access to the training will be maintained for senior caregivers, allowing renewal training to easily be taken each year. Caregivers may also obtain a t-shirt and lapel pin as members of the Professional Association of Caregivers to showcase their training accomplishments.